IBM Software

Data Management White Papers

The following white papers are accessible from this page:
+ Client Server Solutions for IMS
+ Commercial Parallel Database: the DB2 Story
+ Data Management: IBM Strategies and Solutions
+ Data Mining: Extending the Information Warehouse Framework
+ Data Replication: Data on the Go for Businesses on the Move
+ Database Systems Management: IBM's Solution
+ DataJoiner - A Multidatabase Server
+ DB2 Relational Extenders
+ IMS in an Object Oriented World
+ IBM Information Warehouse Solution: A Data Warehouse - Plus!
+ Information Technology and IMS in the 21st Century
+ Multimedia and the DB2 Family
+ Object Support and the DB2 Family
+ Open IMS

Notes: Most of these white papers are available for interactive viewing on the web, served by BookManager BookServer for WWW for OS2, included with Electronic Publishing Edition, a component of IBM WorkGroup. You may also download these white papers (as book files) for local viewing with any BookManager READ program, including any IBM Library Reader program. To download a free copy of an IBM Library Reader program, visit the IBM Boulder FTP site. Select *EZ2P* files for OS/2 or DOS versions or *IWIN* files for Windows version. These programs are also available on CompuServe, in the BookManager section of the Software Solutions Forum (SOFSOL area).

Printed copies of these white papers and the technical report on Object and Relational Databases: IBM's Strategy, are also available. In the U.S. you may call 1-800-IBM-3333 and ask for extension STAR 706. Worldwide you may fax your request to 1-408-463-2750. Please address your fax to "Data Management Information" and include your name, mailing address, the titles of specific materials you want.

Client Server Solutions for IMS

This paper is an overview of the requirements leading to a Client Server implementation in an IMS environment and the associated solutions to address these requirements.

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Commercial Parallel Database: the DB2 Story

This paper discusses the benefits that can be acquired by businesses that use parallel technology. It defines what parallelism means to relational database management systems and how they can use parallelism to their advantage to gain increased performance. This discussion follows with IBM's strategy for parallel databases and an overview of the implementation of parallelism within the IBM DB2 family of products.

Here's how to access this white paper on the web:

Data Management: IBM Strategies and Solutions

This overview of the data management market describes IBM's participation in this segment of the Information Technology industry. The paper provides information about current trends and describes how IBM is addressing the market conditions with strategies and technologies to provide solutions to our customers.

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Data Mining: Extending the Information Warehouse Framework

Competitive business pressures and a desire to leverage existing information technology investments have led many firms to explore the benefits of data mining technology. This technology is designed to help businesses discover hidden patterns in their data -- patterns that can help them understand the purchasing behavior of their key customers, detect likely credit card or insurance claim fraud, predict probable changes in financial markets, etc.

This paper explores data mining, its potential benefits to users, and IBM's activities in this area. It also explains how data mining activities can be integrated within an existing user environment, including those that already make use of data warehousing.

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Data Replication: Data on the Go for Businesses on the Move

This data replication paper provides an overview of data replication technologies, describes how customers are using replication, identifies trends in data replication, and describes how IBM is addressing the data replication requirements.

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Database Systems Management: IBM's Solution

This paper describes the IBM Database Systems Management solution, and clarifies how the products within the solution can help you face today's database systems management challenges. It also describes the direction in which IBM intends to take this solution.

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DataJoiner - A Multidatabase Server

This paper provides an overview of IBM's DataJoiner for AIX, a multidatabase server that provides heterogeneous database access to multiple clients from multiple data sources.

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DB2 Relational Extenders

This White Paper discusses the DB2 user requirement to handle the complex data types emerging from advanced applications, such as multimedia, while maintaining application development productivity and reducing application complexity. It introduces DB2 Relational Extenders as a solution to this requirement, and discusses the capabilities of the first IBM implementations of the concept, the DB2 Text, Image, Video, Audio, and Fingerprint Extenders.

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IMS in an Object Oriented World

This document discusses the Object Oriented facilities provided for the IMS family. The document introduces the concepts and terminology of Object Oriented systems, the IMS solutions available, and those being developed, to provide the ability to develop object oriented applications to be used with IMS and to access IMS data.

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IBM Information Warehouse Solution: A Data Warehouse - Plus!

This paper describes the IBM approach to data warehousing which is delivered through The IBM Information Warehouse Solution. The IBM solution offers extended capabilities for building a data warehouse and enhancing the decision making process. Comprised of an architecture, products and consulting services, the IBM solution is comprehensive, flexible and integrated, to meet customer requirements in a cost effective manner. This is a Data Warehouse - Plus!.

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Information Technology and IMS in the 21st Century

This report presents a view of evolving information technology and how IMS is involved in this. The report discusses new technology and the facilities of the IMS family will evolve to address new technology. The report introduces emerging customer requirements for future technology, including open systems, parallel processing, multimedia and objects, and it discusses how IMS is and will address these requirements for its applications and data.

Key points of this presentation are:

The approach described in this document is consistent with the direction established by the IBM Open Blueprint, the IBM Transaction Management Strategy, the MVS Open and Distributed Strategy, the IBM Data Management Strategy and the IBM Networking Blueprint.

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Multimedia and the DB2 Family

Systems enabled for multimedia hold the promise of significant value to many corporations. Improvements in price performance and capacity are making the widespread use of multimedia data forms both cost-effective and practical.

This paper provides an overview of the main components of a multimedia system and describes solutions for three typical application types: (1) multimedia extensions to corporate databases, (2) document management and (3) training. The emphasis is on the data management aspect of multimedia applications and the role of the DB2 family of products in providing a multimedia solution.

Multimedia solutions are supported by key technologies from IBM. This paper offers an overview of the technology relating to the management and storage of multimedia data: relational, image content search, text search,

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Object Support and the DB2 Family

Object technology has captured the attention of many organizations with its promise of providing greater code reuse, enabling individuals to more effectively model their business environments and to associate more meaning with their data. Many of the ideas that shaped the development of object technology can be effectively incorporated into relational DBMSs, including IBM's DATABASE 2* (DB2*) product family. This paper describes how IBM is providing object support through its relational DBMSs, focusing on features in Version 2 of DATABASE 2 AIX/6000* (DB2/6000*) and DATABASE 2 OS/2* (DB2/2*). These features include support for user-defined types and functions, non-traditional data types (such as audio, image, and documents), triggers, event alerters, constraints, and object-oriented programming languages (C++ and Smalltalk).

Here's how to access this white paper on the web:

Open IMS

This document discusses the Open facilities of the IMS family which provide solutions for open, distributed environments. The document introduces the emerging customer requirements for open systems, the IMS solutions available, and those being developed, to provide an open environment with open access to IMS applications and data.

The approach described in this document is consistent with the direction established by the IBM Data Management Strategy, the IBM Transaction Management Strategy, the MVS Open and Distributed Strategy and the IBM Networking Blueprint.

Here's how to access this white paper on the web:

To obtain information about, or to order, any of the above software, in the US or Canada please call (800) IBM-3333, ext GA020 or write to:

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See the DB2 Family for information on other related products.

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